Vol. 17, Number 1, 2021

Editorial board



Anna Kolomytseva, Daliant Maximus
Methodology for Managing the Development of Digital OPEN SOURCE Projects in Public Institutions

Donetsk National Technical University
Abstract. The article proposes a methodology for managing the development of digital projects, including state digital projects, which, on the basis of leading practices and technologies for flexible design of Agile project processes and a process approach to building the architecture of an digital object, allows for the implementation of an orderly sequence of actions and procedures, both digital solutions and to substantiate the priorities of transformation of the conditions of interaction at the level of the organization of processes and to help increase the economic efficiency of all processes occurring in the organization as a whole. The main research results also include a theoretical overview and a graphical model of systematization of the conceptual apparatus, which is widely used in modern digital projects.
Keywords: digital project, digital transformation, digital solution, Agile technology, project management, project process architecture.


Nataliia Malova, Yana Prokopenko
The Role and Place of Strategic Planning in the Development of the Investment and Construction Complex

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The essence of strategic planning as an important stage in the management process of modern enterprises is discussed in the article. The need to activate the processes of strategic planning at the enterprises of the investment and construction complex of the Republic, taking into account the level of efficiency of their activities, is justified. The article considers the strategic planning tools used at various stages of the enterprise management process, namely: analysis of the external and internal environment; definition of mission and goals; choice of strategy; strategy development; implementation of the strategy; evaluation of the effectiveness and control of the implemented strategy. Sources of information, on the basis of which the process of strategic planning and analysis at the enterprise is carried out, are determined. A fragment of the balanced scorecard of a construction company is presented. It is the most common tool for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the chosen strategy.
Keywords: strategy, strategic planning, development, construction company, mission, balanced scorecard.


Viktoriya Panova
Formation of the Concept of Designing the System of Information Support for the Development of Business Processes of the Enterprise

Donetsk National Technical University
Abstract. The article studies various approaches to the system of information support for the development of enterprise business processes. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of information support for business processes in order to optimize the operation of an enterprise and obtain a sustainable advantage for business entities in a competitive economic environment. The basic theories of economic cybernetics are considered in order to fully understand the essence of the concept of “information support system”. A conceptual approach to the design of an information support system for the development of enterprise business processes is proposed, which, based on a balanced approach to building the architecture of enterprise processes, determines the conditions for the proportionality of the contribution of individual components to the development of business processes. The main results of the study should also include the improvement of the architectural approach for the development of the strategic architecture of the enterprise based on a balanced approach to the definition of targets for the components of the information support system: finance, orders, business processes, and personnel.
Keywords: information support system, system approach, enterprise architecture, business process development, enterprise digitalization, balanced scorecard.


Elena Shelikhova, Dmitriy Zakharchenko
Commercial Real Estate Management

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article discusses the concepts of «real estate», «real estate», «commercial real estate», «real estate market», and the historical aspects of the emergence of these concepts. The types of real estate, signs of real estate, its components, and types of commercial real estate, their characteristics and categories are considered. The analysis of commercial real estate objects, demand for commercial real estate in the DPR by category, characteristic features of the real estate market, methods of real estate management is carried out. The features of the real estate market, functions, factors influencing its development, the role of state regulation of the processes occurring in the real estate market have been studied. Groups of control objects, types and levels of control are considered. The objectives of management when using different models of real estate management are outlined. The disadvantages that occur when using various methods of real estate management are identified. The authors proposals aimed at solving the problem of real estate management currently in the DPR are made.
Keywords: real estate, real estate, commercial real estate, real estate market, real estate management.