Vol. 16, Number 1, 2020

Editorial board



Dmitry Zakharchenko, Yulia Vologzhanina
Russian Experience in Renovating Obsolete and Dilapidated Housing 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article considers the urgent problem of the renovation of the housing stock of the first mass series for the city of Moscow and Russia as a whole. Attention is focused on the appearance in the regulatory acts and the modern interpretation of the term «renovation», legislative consolidation of the renovation of the housing stock of the city of Moscow, the procedure for including multi-apartment buildings in the renovation program of the housing stock of the city, as well as the legal status of the Moscow Housing Renovation Fund. It also discusses the main provisions of the housing renovation program as the best way to solve the housing problem in the city of Moscow. The condition of the housing stock in the territories covered by the program, the advantages of the renovation program is assessed. The problem of housing stock of the Donetsk People’s Republic is considered.
Keywords: renovation, housing problem, housing fund, five-story houses, Moscow city housing fund renovation program, economic effect.


Larisa Kostrovets, Yevheniia Fomenko
Consumer Basket as a Factor of the Socio-Economic Mechanism for Forming State Social Policy 

Donetsk Academy of Management and Public Administration under the Head of Donetsk People’s Republic
Abstract. The article discusses the theoretical aspects of the formation of the consumer basket. Existing approaches to the interpretation of this term are studied. The legal acts of the Donetsk People’s Republic, which regulate the composition of the consumer basket, as well as the minimum level of wages and social benefits, are analyzed. Data on the structure and value of the consumer basket in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the ratio of the sizes of the minimum payments to the population and the living wage, mortality rate and the dynamics of the present population of the Donetsk People’s Republic for 2017–2020 are graphically presented. The analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the consumer basket in the Donetsk People’s Republic, as well as its structural elements. Some problems in the formation of the consumer basket are identified and ways to solve them are proposed. The process of improving the composition and calculation of the consumer basket in the Donetsk People’s Republic in order to improve the level and quality of life of the population is presented.
Keywords: consumer basket, standard and quality of life of the population, minimum wage, social benefits.


Kateryna Mikhalova, Elena Balyura, Mikhail Stepanov
Mechanism for Evaluating Strategic Directions for Developing the Potential of Energy Complex Enterprises 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The energy sector of the Donetsk People’s Republic has been undergoing radical reform for several years. To strengthen their positions on the market, energy companies need to increase their investment attractiveness, reduce costs, and use a strategy for developing their internal potential. The article presents the author’s definition of what a «potential», describes the components of the total potential of energy companies, assessment of strategic directions of development of GO «Republican energy supplying company» on the basis of the SWOT-analysis and options the company’s development strategy for the future. It is proved that to reduce costs, it is necessary to use modern innovative technologies, and to increase investment attractiveness, new management and information technologies are required, which allow companies to achieve transparency and management efficiency.
Keywords: potential, strategy, energy, technology, costs, competitiveness, SWOT-analysis.


Hanna Rudenok, Maxim Voronenko
Experience and Prospects for the Development of Social Investment in the Russian Federation 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article substantiates the need for social investment in various objects. The main problems faced by Russian enterprises and the state in the field of social investment are identified. The factors contributing to the attraction of investments in the social sphere are clarified. It is proved that the presence of a socially significant motive for investment activity is an exceptional need for the company. The effectiveness of organizing an integrated approach to the implementation of social investment by most Russian and international companies has been proved. The experience of the largest Russian companies in the field of social investment is systematized. A number of social projects and programs implemented by Russian companies are given as examples. It was revealed that companies devote a lot of time and effort to both external and internal investment. It has been proven that social investment by large companies gives them a number of advantages, which allows them to make their enterprise more successful and attractive to investors.
Keywords: social investments, social sphere, social programs and projects, investment, socially responsible business, investment activity, attraction of investments.


Victoria Svetlichnaya a, Elena Shumaeva a, Olga Chengar b, Anna Andrievskaya a
Use of Methods of Decision Theory for Choosing the Optimal Strategy for Medicines Purchases 

a Donetsk National Technical University, b Sevastopol State University
Abstract. The article considers the organization of optimal procurement of medicines for pharmacies with a decentralized management option. Simulation statistical models are presented for inventory management system with a fixed order size and fixed order frequency. Collection of the data that reflect pharmacy operation in terms of its financial indicators dynamics depending on various alternatives for organizing procurement and characterizing profits and costs of each strategy proposed is organized using simulation models. The simulation results are summarized in a utility matrix. Matrix rows correspond to the strategies possible, and columns correspond to financial indicators with criteria they should strive to identified per indicator. The methods of decision theory are applied to identify the best strategy with varying probabilities. The test results are shown, which demonstrated that almost all the methods applied pointed to the same strategy.
Keywords: procurement, simulation, algorithm, decision-making method, alternative, criterion, strategy, testing.


Yulia Svetlichnaya, Victoria Fіsyuk
Resource Support for Urban Development 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. In the article, from the perspective of a systematic approach, the concept of the urban environment is considered as a set of elements connected and interacting on a certain administrative division of the city’s territory, which, under the influence of external and internal factors, form and develop a system of productive forces. Key resources are identified that ensure the development of the urban environment in the form of territory, natural and environmental resources, resource and production factors that determine the nature of the interaction of counterparties within the economic complex of the city. The characteristic features of the modern stage of development of urban areas are revealed: increased competition, leveling of traditional advantages, large-scale informatization and digitalization of space, which requires appropriate approaches to developing development strategies aimed at the rational use of existing opportunities with maximum attention to the image component.
Keywords: urban areas, city, resources, urban development.

Irina Sychiova
Energy-Saving Building Innovations on Energy Efficiency Market 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. Based on the economic and statistical analysis of data from the World Meteorological Organization, the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and others, the state and prospects for the development of renewable energy were studied. The article focuses on the use of innovative renewable energy technologies, since these areas are the most promising in the structure of solving the energy efficiency of buildings and structures. Rising primary energy consumption and limited hydrocarbon (oil and natural gas) reserves, coupled with the growing anthropogenic pressure on the environment due to the use of coal as the main fuel, have forced the world community to rethink approaches to their country’s energy security. On the threshold of the transition of the world economy to a new technological order, new trends in energy are emerging, based on the rational and careful use of available natural resources and the search for new sources of energy. The dynamic development and adoption of renewable energy technologies is one of the most significant trends in the development of world energy.
Keywords: energy security, intellectual efficiency, renewable energy, wind and solar energy, investments, energy conservation, energy consumption, innovative technologies.