Vol. 3, Number 1, 2007


O. Stoyan
The city policy: a modern economic theory and practice of a sustainable development 

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. There are considered the questions of a city sustainable development in the context of the worldwide global development processes. Basic principles of a sustainable development are revealed, among them the principle of satisfying reproduction necessities, the principle of placing reproduction limitations on the state of technologies and on the mankind development for saving the environment, the principle of accounting the limitations in the biosphere reproduction possibilities, to eliminate negative consequences of human activities. The structure of activities for achieving a city sustainable development is represented as a “tree of aims”, the primary objective being “a city sustainable development ” that is reached through two sub-aims of the first level, that is “an improvement of life in a city” and “a security of personal and social safety”. Basic reproduction concepts, formula, principles, indicators, and technologies of achieving a city sustainable development are specified, peculiarities of the concept of a city sustainable development have been studies.
Key words: city sustainable development, reproduction development, notions, formula, principles, technologies, a sustainable city construction


M. Panzhar
Housing economy of ukraine and developed countries practices 

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. For many years at all levels of power and in many mass medias talks they speak about the reforming of such an important multifunction industry as housing economy, which a well-being of every citizen in Ukraine depends on. As known, in Ukraine this industry has long crossed the threshold of a safe and reliable functioning. A degree of tearing down housing facilities has reached a threatening level, and more than its fourth urgently requires major repairs. A number of failures of engineering networks and housing facilities rises in a geometrical progression. All these years long of the industry “reforming ” it was falling into decay having no financing for normative volumes of major and current repairs, that is why instead of scheduled preventive repairs emergency-restoration repairs of housing facilities take place, and the industry itself long operates under emergency conditions.
Key words: municipal economy, rent, municipal property.


O. V. Khisteva
Using the mathrmatical modelling menhods in process of bilding enterprise profit quality estimation 

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. In the article is analized the methodological mechanism of using the mathematical modelling generalizing index elemebts. The object of modelling is generalizing index of profit quality. There is adduced a system of relative financial indexes which are the base for generalizing index of profit quality. In present article is adduced a method of working out the generalizing index of profit quality, determination the size of its signification and substantinated the levels of profit quality and their limit sizes. Substantination of questioning results is adduced with using of method of estimation the coordination of experts opinion with variation index. Author adduces not only normative sizes of index but its rated sizes which are corresponding every expert opinion.
Key words: profit quality, generalizing index of profit quality, questioning, respondents, rank, profit quality level, variation.


Yu. Svetlichnaya
Efficiency of regional economic systems functioning 

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The procedure of estimating the efficiency of the regional economic system functioning is considered in the article; there are also revealed the phases of evaluating the regional economic system efficiency (basic directions of estimating the efficiency being determined, the efficiency indices system being calculated; analysis and updating of administrative actions taking into account the results of the previous stages being done); there are also noted the estimation indices characterizing economic, social and budgetary efficiency. Among the indices of economic efficiency are the output of products on 1 UAH of expenses; a gross profit per 1 UAH of expenses; profitability, working expenses and turnover per 1 UAH of the products produced; indices of rising the efficiency of using key assets, circulating assets, capital investments, and material charges; relations of capital investments and income; relations of materials charges (without depreciation charges) and products produced; indices of rising the efficiency of using labour (working efficiency, rate of its growth). Among the social efficiency indices one should mention a decrease of the unemployment rate, a rate of accomplishing social programs. Budgetary efficiency is characterized by the budgetary efficiency indices, respectively.
Key words: regional economic system, efficiency, indices of efficiency, budgetary, social, economic efficiency.


O. V. Shelikhova, O. D. Gladka, O.Yu. Аndreyeva
Analysis of methodical approaches to the estimation of a building complex enterprises potential 

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. Methodical approaches to the estimation of building complex enterprises potential are considered. There are singled out those problems of the production and economical activity the decision of which becomes possible as a result of estimating a building enterprise potential, among them the absence of a qualitative growth of building tenders for a contract; an increase of a number of the lost tenders; a reduction of a number of permanent customers; a decline of a business profitability, an absence of a positive dynamics of an enterprise profitableness; a growth of account receivable; a systematic repetition of the single-type problem situations; an excessive work-load of leaders of departments and subdivisions, a reduction of a number of the internal working building specialties with a simultaneous growth of the amount of temporally hired brigades; an emergence of industrial disputes between structural subdivisions of the enterprise; a decline of a corporate spirit among the staff. There is given a procedure of the analysis of a regional building market state of region. On the basis of the analysis of tendencies of a building market development and results of estimating a potential of the industry enterprises, there were worked out propositions on forming a target-program approach to the management a building complex development.
Key words: enterprise potential; tendencies of the market development; enterprise strategy; target-program approach to the management a building complex development


Т. Norkina, Z. Skarbun, N. Таrkhanova
Reformation of the city economy structure under market economy conditions 

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The basic directions of reforming the city economy structure are considered in the article, there are given recommendations to work out strategic projects of the urban development to improve the people’s quality of life. The city economy structure is a certain correlation of its economical system elements, the most important ones being the structure of factors to recreate its industries, intraindustry structures, economy structure within urban areas, the structure of internal and external relations of the production and consumption of investments, employment etc. Speaking of the question of the city economy structure content, it should be noted that it is a result of the city historical development. Evolution of the city economy structure represents the conditions typical for a city, including its geographical location, natural resources, its climatic conditions, an economic history of a city reproductive complex development, reflection of military-political and social-economic processes on its territory, demographic and historical-cultural features of the city development.
Key words: reform, structure, efficiency, potential, transformation, demilitarization, competitiveness, branch structure, production sphere, unproductive sphere, patterns of ownership, control systems, external economic relations, intraregional relations connections.


Е. Pashko, G. Vishnevska
Modern foreign investing in ukraine: features, tendencies, and priorities of a building complex 

Donetsk National University
Abstract. In the economic life of every country investments is a dominant reason of development. Requirements to this tool parameters rise because of a crisis in the economy of Ukraine and a necessity of its market and structural readjustment. Under globalization, an investment activity in every separate country can be supported and stimulated by a foreign capital, its size and efficiency being greatly influenced by the receiving country’s investment climate. This article is devoted to determination of basic priorities of the investment strategy in Ukraine and tendencies characterizing the investment policy in our country. The work exposes problems, obstacles and inconveniences of the modern investing in Ukraine. Having considered the basic principles of the investment activity for the nearest future, there were suggested directions to improve the investment climate in the country, to increase the national competitiveness and to structurally reformation the economy.
Key words: investments, investment activity, influx of foreign investments, structure of investments, investment climate, investment strategy.