Vol. 2, Number 4, 2006


О. Lykyanchenko
Informational teсhnologies in management of city-service municipal sphere 

Donetsk city concil
Abstract. The article is devoted to the decision of a problems of informational providing of local authorities in the process of municipal sphere management. Modern development of economic relations, unstability of external environment (reguires) a new way of management process of informatization on different levels of authority. The development of the city (depends) on the communal sphere because the city is a difficult social-economic system. So, municipal enterprises (interact) with other subjects (population, city infrastructure, non- municipal sphere). Providing effective management of municipal service system depends on using modern informational technologies. There was proposed a number of scientific and practical (approaches) which help the local authorities to make a decision in municipal sphere management.
Key words: municipal economy, information technology, information systems.


D. Zakharchenko
Estimation of the social importance of investment projects of enterprises 

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The necessity of change of priorities of an estimation of efficiency of investment projects from economic to social is proved. The technique of definition of the social importance of investment projects is stated. Basic elements, components and directions of the social and ecological analysis are considered. Parameters which can be used for an estimation of social and ecological effect achieved at realization of investment projects are given. On an example of enterprises the calculation of social and ecological effect is executed, the social importance of investment projects and ranging according to the received results is determined.
Key words: social importance, social effect, social analysis, ecological effect, ecological analysis, parameters of efficiency.


O. Gavrylenko, A. Marin
Forming and steady functioning of logistic system in building 

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. In the transitional period there was the necessity of organization of new types of activity of enterprises in combination with their basic activity in the Ukrainian economy. This necessity was caused by a necessity in adjusting of economic communications and search of markets of sale, by the necessity of regular and timely addition of material resources of enterprises for their further development. And herein the logistic must take part, as a new type of administrative activity which would allow us to minimize all costs related to motion of material and informative streams. The article provides an analysis of logistic system in building companies. Problems of logistic organization in companies are revealed. Measures on their liquidation are inculcated. Propasals on materially-technical supply of production-economic activity of building enterprises are developed.
Key words: logistic sistem, resourses, materially-technical supply.


Yu. Svetlichnaya
Role of city in effective functioning of regional economic systems 

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The mechanism of forming of effective communications between a city and region within the limits of functioning of the regional economic system is considered in the article. A concept vehicle in relation to the regional economic system is explored, composition is exposed, features of functioning and the role of city in effective its functioning is marked. Base directions for studying efficiency of functioning of economic system of city, such as are designated: research of functioning of industrial and non-productive spheres of city as economic system, the analysis of results of activity of economic system of city to a branch attribute, on patterns of ownership, research of security of economic system of city by resources. It is certain, that presence of a difference in conditions of managing in conditions of each city is the factor excluding existence of universal strategy of economic development for all regions. The parameters causing a choice of concrete strategy of economic development for each city are allocated, namely: the developed industrial specialization of city; capacity and availability of the markets to selling of the goods made in cities; availability and the price of resources; a technological level, a condition and age of capacities at the enterprises of city; investment, innovative, intellectual and labour potentials of city; a level of development of a market infrastructure in city.
Key words: system, region, regional economic system, city.


L. Goncharova
Modern condition of specialist training for building complex of donetsk region 

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article is deals with building specialists training, because they are the resource that hides the biggest reserve of efficiency increase of modern building complex operation of Donetsk region. The absence of extreme reforms in the field of education becomes the real threat of stopping, the development of market processes in building industry. On the teaching base of educational institutions it is not possible to train a specialist who could meet the market conditions reguirements and who could be competitive. There appeares a problem of increase of training specialists quality; they must have knowledge and skills of development and introduction of new technologies into the building process. Programs and curricula revision, their maximal approaching to their future speciality must be a primary prerogative, because these measures do not require large financial expenses.
Key words: building complex, labor potential, specialist, high formation, remote, managerial system.


O. Yurmanova
The cooperative organizations in the structure of city economy of the advanced countries 

Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport
Abstract. The article is devoted to the cooperative organizations working in conditions provided by the city economy of the modern western countries. The role and the basic directions of activity of cooperative societies, cooperative insurance, medical cooperative societies and cooperative societies in social housing construction in particular are examined. Such tendency as scope of social sphere in the development of cooperative movement in modern cities is marked. As a result of investigations it is possible to approve that the occurrence and intensive development of social cooperative societies in cities become a basis for the formation of western countries sector of social economy of national economic systems.
Key words: city economy, cooperative movement, cooperative societies, social services, cooperative insurance, medical cooperative societies, housing co-operatives.


M. Panzhar
Economy-mathematic modelling of housing-municipal complex 

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article deals with the reformation of housing-municipal economy. Today this branch of national economy is safeless and stagnating. Now more than 25percent of dwellings need immediately major repairs. The amount of failures on engineering networks and houses equipment increases in geometrical progression. All the years of branch “reformation” the lack of financing normative volumes of capital and current repairs led to the decay of it, and that is why only damage-reconstruction works are carried out housing-municipal economy.
Key words: housing-municipal complex, multiplicator, accelerator, employment, profit, gross output.